What is Tegn og Trall?

Tegn og Trall is a sing and sign course.

I teach babysigns, which are simple signs that you use when you talk to your baby. Your baby will gradually learn to use these signs long before they are able to talk. Signing babies are less frustrated because they are able to express exactly what they want, what they see and how they feel.

In Tegn og Trall we sing songs and sign, so it´s a fun music activity for both parents and babies.

This is a 10 week course for children from about 4 months – 2 years and is an ideal activity during maternity and paternity leave. Early communication enriches your relationship with your child as well as giving them a head start with their verbal skills.

A Tegn og Trall baby is a happier baby!

We were astonished at how much understanding babies have of the world around them, and Tegn og Trall gives them the tools in which to communicate, and us the tools to recognize and understand what they say. – Shi

Kursene til Mel er fantastiske. De åpner en helt ny, og magisk verden for deg og babyen din. – Lotte

Babies, they’re adorable, cute, soft and heavenly!


But, when the tears start; a tantrum brewing, snot running down their face… they are slightly less so!

It’s the hopelessness that’s the problem. You can’t figure out why they are upset. You try lots of different things: milk, food, a toy, their dummy, but nothing helps. If only they could talk and tell you what’s wrong! Well, they can! With their hands! Baby signs. It takes a bit of work, but it’s soooo worth it. Your baby is worth it!

Click on these crying babies to add some signing magic, and feel those stressed shoulders relax.

Jeg husker at noen mødre fra barselgruppen min fortalte om hvor frustrerte barna deres i alderen av 1-2 år ble fordi de ikke ble forstått. Dette problemet kjente vi ikke til! Det var helt utrolig å kunne forstå om min 1-åring datter ville spise eller drikker eller leke ved at hun visste det med tegn. – Elena

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